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jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


  • Web developer:

Web developers are responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites. The job requires a knowledge of software programs and web applications. This is why they need to study Science and Computer Studies. They have to be creative.

  • Substance abuse counselor:

If you want to be a substance abuse counselor, you need to have the first degree from the University in Psychology or a master’s degree. They must be able to communicate with people and be optimistic. They often work in hospitals.

  • Market research analysts:

Market research analysts study our habits as consumers and use those observations to counsel companies on how to package, brand and sell products. They have to study Marketing and Maths. They should be dynamic and convincing.

  • Business operations manager:

Their job includes hiring people, negotiating contracts, addressing budget matters, understanding general business operations and guiding work teams for projects. They must study Economics and be talkative, social and self-confident.

  • Meeting, convention and event planner:

If you’re considering this field, work on your patience and problem-solving skills. Event planners make logistical decisions for weddings, conventions, orientations… They have to figure out their client's needs and requirements in terms of exhibit space, lodging, transportation, telecommunications, audio-visual displays and food. They must study some courses.

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