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viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Active student badge

Criteria to receive the Badge

To receive it, you should show that you experienced deeper learning about:
  • Critical thinking and complex problem solving
  • Collaboration
  • Effective communication in writing and speaking in English
  • Learning how to learn
  • Creativity
  • Use of new tools and applications

Happy summer

The end of the course is already here, but in this case it is a very special moment for us because we finish the secondary school.
During these four years, we have enjoyed, we have studied hard too and the most important thing: we have learnt a lot! I know I will not forget my teachers.
This summer, I will travel around my country, I will read a lot of books, I will be with my family and I will rest to be a really good student in Bachillerato.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Favourite assignments while learning English

We have done many interesting activities during the secondary school, but my favourite ones were:
- 'An ideal journey'.
Our teacher wanted us to imagine that she had won "El Gordo" lottery and she would invite us to travel and visit the place where the Brontes sisters had lived in England.
She would take us on this wonderful trip if we were able to organise everything and just tell her the exact planification for the journey (people in the group, date of the trip, flights/bus/train to Haworth, hotels, food, visits, Parsonage Museum tickets, total budget of the trip, and of course many pictures showing the places).
We did this assignment last year. This was our final product:

- 'MasterChef'.
We had to write and learn by heart the main ingredients used in making cakes recipes and the best way to explain it in English while recording a video.
We did this three months ago. I liked it because it was a funny and original way to practise English.
Thanks to this project, I learnt a lot of words used in cooking.

- 'News worldwide'.
I also liked a video called News worldwide. It was created by Mario, Noelia and me.
We drew and painted the aliens, we researched on the Internet to find some interesting news and we wrote the screenplay.
We worked hard, but enjoyed at the same time!

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Online shopping

When I was a child, I did not like going shopping with my parents. Now, I think it is one of the best ways to have fun.
I love fashion, so I enjoy a lot trying on clothes in the fitting rooms and looking for discounts.
Nowadays, thanks to new technology, we can buy online.
Online shopping is making things much easier in terms of time. The only thing you have to do is go to the internet page, choose the product you want and buy it. The problem is that some sites just want your money and will not give you anything.
From my point of view, it is a good and useful invention, but we have to be careful.
Some people become addicted to shopping. They are called ‘shopaholics’.

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

My animated presentation

This is my animated presentation about a book called 'The Picture of Dorian Gray', by the famous writer Oscar Wilde:

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Are you a superhero learning English?

This week, we have been inventing stories to design our own comic strips. Here you can see my comic:

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Social networking in schools

It has become one of the most important parts of our daily life as it enables us to communicate with a lot of people. While there are risks in online social networking (cyber bullying, identity theft, plagiarism, computer viruses, etc.), there are also many potential benefits.
Students can further explore topics that they are interested in through these sites.
On the other hand, teachers often take advantage of students’ social networking abilities to create class blogs, discussion forums, videos...

Your digital dossier is made up of all of the digital information saved that relates directly to you. It is comprised of photos, blog posts, credit card information, or anything that may have been placed into the digital world about you.
I recommend you to watch this interesting video:

As the video illustrates, almost all of us (especially those born in the last 20 years) will have some form of digital dossier.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

History of English language

The history of English is divided into three periods usually called Old English, Middle English and Modern English.
The Romans had controlled England for centuries. Thanks to them, many Latin words found their way into the English language.
During the 5th century AD, some Germanic tribes invaded England.
Then, the Normans conquered Britain and French became the language of the Norman aristocracy, adding more vocabulary to English.
Finally, Britain started to colonise other countries, such as Africa, India, Asia...

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. But it means much more...
It is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. There are various traditional Easter food that vary regionally.
Some customs that have become associated with this festivity include egg hunting, the Easter Bunny and Easter parades.
Easter Day in 2014 fell on Sunday 20 April.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


  • Web developer:

Web developers are responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites. The job requires a knowledge of software programs and web applications. This is why they need to study Science and Computer Studies. They have to be creative.

  • Substance abuse counselor:

If you want to be a substance abuse counselor, you need to have the first degree from the University in Psychology or a master’s degree. They must be able to communicate with people and be optimistic. They often work in hospitals.

  • Market research analysts:

Market research analysts study our habits as consumers and use those observations to counsel companies on how to package, brand and sell products. They have to study Marketing and Maths. They should be dynamic and convincing.

  • Business operations manager:

Their job includes hiring people, negotiating contracts, addressing budget matters, understanding general business operations and guiding work teams for projects. They must study Economics and be talkative, social and self-confident.

  • Meeting, convention and event planner:

If you’re considering this field, work on your patience and problem-solving skills. Event planners make logistical decisions for weddings, conventions, orientations… They have to figure out their client's needs and requirements in terms of exhibit space, lodging, transportation, telecommunications, audio-visual displays and food. They must study some courses.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

The most important invention

On my opinion, the wheel is the most important mechanical invention of all time. Without it, the world simply would not exist as we know it.
It is a mystery as to who invented the very first wheel. Credit is given to the ancient Mesopotamian culture of Sumer in about 3500 B.C. This is where the oldest known wheel has ever been found. However, it is believed to have been invented much earlier.
All the modes of our daily transportation such as car, bicycle, scooter, train and even airplane needs wheel. It allows us to move faster from one place to another.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Saint Patrick's Day

Every year on March 17, we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Here you can see my project about this festivity:

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

A poem just for fun

This week, my English teacher has sent us a funny poem related to vocabulary.

I also want to share with you this beautiful poem by Sri Chinmoy.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Portada MasterChef

During these days, we have to prepare a sweet recipe and record ourselves cooking. I want to show you my presentation with the ingredients and instructions you need to make 'torrijas'.

Treasure Island

In this term, we have read an adventure book called Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. I have done some activities related to it.

I have created a voki, too. He is Jim Hawkins, the main character of the story:

Get a Voki now!

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Saint Valentine's Day

Today is Saint Valentine's Day! I have searched for information about two singers and I have invented two love stories related to their songs.

Here are 10 romantic English love phrases you could use this Valentine’s Day:
1. A match made in heaven
2. To fall head over heels in love
3. To be smitten with someone
4. To be apple of someone's eye
5. To be a soul mate
6. To take one's breath away
7. To be someone's one and only
8. To have a crush on someone
9. To fancy someone
10. To love someone with all of one's heart and soul

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

International Day of Peace

Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace. I have listened to the beautiful song 'Imagine' by John Lennon and I have completed these sentences:

- Imagine there's only sky above us
- Imagine there's no pain
Imagine there isn't any religion
- Imagine if we didn't have to fight
- Imagine if we had freedom
- Imagine if we could live in peace

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014


- My friend is obsessed with turning off lights and unplugging things which is why he’s just been fired from his job at air traffic control.

- I used to be in a band, we were called ‘lost dog’. You probably saw our posters.

- What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.

- What is Bruce Lee’s favorite drink? Wataaaaah!

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

English resolutions

This year I have decided to improve my English in some ways.
First at all, I won't use Spanish in class and I am going to spend more time speaking in English. I will continue attending private classes, and in this way I will do more exercises every day.
Finally, I also want to watch films and series in the original version and listen to many English songs.
I know that if I keep on these resolutions I will learn a lot!